Thoughts on the Election


James 1:27, from The Message: “Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.”

Last night I witnessed history. 

Last night I witnessed people dance, shout, rejoice, sing and weep (tantamount to what we Pentecostals would refer to as a “worship service”) all across our country, all across our world, all for one man.

Last night I witnessed interview after interview with ecstatic and rapturous supporters of this man, overwhelmed with intense emotion, preaching a message to anyone listening that this man would bring change and hope and salvation from dismal plights.

I even witnessed one woman named Peggy Joseph, obviously overcome with emotion, but nonetheless sincere in her belief that this man, this one man, would end her financial struggles and provide her with means to buy gasoline and pay her mortgage.

Today I logged on to my many outlets of post-modern connection; MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc, and heard the same themes reinforced by many, many people. This man, this one man, would bring change and hope and salvation from dismal plights.

Today I read comments from young people. Black young people. White young people. Brown young people. Especially Christian young people. And I heard the same themes reinforced. This man, this one man, would bring change and hope and salvation from dismal plights. 

And I was amazed. And I was convicted.

I witnessed a Christian young person write a post on Facebook that this man, this one man, would stop war, end suffering, end selfishness, feed the hungry and SAVE the children.

And I was amazed. And I was convicted. By this man, this one man.

This man named Barack Obama, and all of his hype and hyperbole, convicted me about 2 things:

1.) How out of touch with the needs of society has the church been, that a hurting world finds their hope in this man, this one man? 

2.) But equally as disturbing, how out of touch with the needs of society has the church been that our own young people are beginning to listen to this man, and some of them even beginning to believe that HE is the change, the hope, and the salvation from dismal plights.

This is our wake-up call.

The world has spoken louder and more clearly than ever before. They are looking for a Savior. They are looking for that church that existed in the Book of Acts. The church that fed the homeless, built houses for widows and orphans, welcomed the outcast, helped the poor, provided community. The church where everyone gave, no matter how much or how little they had, they gave. And needs were met. 

It was THE CHURCH that met the needs of the needy in the Book of Acts! Not a politician. Certainly not a smooth-talking, $3,500 suit-wearing American politician. THE CHURCH. The church acted out. Hence the name, ACTS. 

The world is looking for a Savior, and because the church has been silent, Barack Obama has been appointed. But they’ll soon find out that this man, this one man, cannot end war. Cannot end poverty. Cannot end suffering. Cannot end hunger. Peggy Joseph will soon discover that there will come no checks in the mail from the White House earmarked for her gas & mortgage. The same Christian young people who’ve been forced to look outside the Church for change will soon realize that this man, this one man, is just like all the rest… he’s just a man.

But there’s church… 

The church, if we truly were the Church of Acts, we could end hunger. If we truly were the Church of Acts, we could end poverty. If we truly were Church of Acts we could change the world, and give the people what they’re looking for, we could give the people of this world what Barack Obama has promised, but can never fulfill: Hope, Change and Salvation.

And to the young people of the church. The precious, important, irreplaceable young Christians of the church, let’s not forget the latter portion of James 1:27: “…guard against corruption from a Godless world.” Be careful where you place your hope. Be careful of whom you trust with your ideals and your values. Guard against corruption from a Godless world.

I want to change the world with you, but in our quest for change, we must be careful that we not lose sight of the fact that this is a Godless world, and it corrupts. Don’t put your faith in it. Don’t put your hope in it, or it’s slick politicians. Change it, impact it, revolutionize it, LOVE IT, but don’t become it.

Let’s be the church and show the world a Savior. It’s the only real hope, change and salvation, and it’s up to us. This is our wake up call.

David McGovern

1 Comment

  1. wow! You could not have said it any better… We as Christians need to wake up and smell the coffee. The is once again the day and the hour for the church! God is still in control and his will is going to still be carried out with or without Obama.

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